Consider this your engraved invitation to be pioneers in re- diversifying the midwifery profession and reducing healthcare disparities for women of color.



Join the Midwifery In Color National Society of Midwifery Mentors and Preceptors!

Help us build the social capital of midwives of color through supportive, structural mentor and preceptor/job placement networks. Limited social capital has the potential to produce and reproduce inequality by securing boundaries, much in the same way as credentials do.



Product Partner

Our approach to partnerships is to leverage partner companies’ networks, communities, and employees - who may not yet know about the midwifery profession, in addition to creating opportunities to directly support our initiatives. The funds we raise through product partnerships support Midwifery In Color’s efforts to increase midwives of color and mitigate women’s healthcare disparities. 

Host an Event

Help us spread the word about the midwifery profession and how we can help mitigate health disparities by hosting a midwifery advocacy event and/or fundraiser.

Corporate Sponsor

Our approach to partnerships is to leverage partner companies’ networks, communities, and employees - who may not yet know about the midwifery profession, in addition to creating opportunities to directly support our initiatives. The funds we raise through corporate sponsorship will support Midwifery In Color’s efforts to increase midwives of color and mitigate women’s healthcare disparities. 


Our work includes resourcing diversity pipeline initiatives and creation of Midwifery Institutes or Schools/Colleges of Midwifery within Minority Serving Institutions.

